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Word on the street...

" I have had the pleasure of working with Andrew for over 5 years, initially, while I served as a Principal for charter schools in the Learn4Life Network. At that time Andrew was serving as a program director for Teach for America. Currently, we are working together on an educational research study through his new role with the University of San Diego, and my new role as the Vice President of Community Partnerships at Learn4Life. Andrew is a consummate professional with the ability to drive vision and mission at a 360 aerial view, while simultaneously having a deep understanding of what needs to occur on the ground. With Andrew’s vision, we were able to create a pipeline of well-trained teachers that have become integral parts of our network of charter schools. Andrew is a natural, servant leader who is willing to put forth the effort to create new and innovative programs and partnerships. Indeed, he is the type of leader and professional that people inherently want to follow. He is always looking out for his team members and has a moral compass that creates positive professional environments. In layman’s terms; the guy is a rock star!!!"


Craig Beswick

Vice President of Community Partnerships


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