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Word on the street...

"I had the honor of collaborating and learning from Andrew while working at the University of San Diego. From the moment I met him, I was awe stricken by the level of creativity, integrity, determination, and compassion he embodies. Andrew has such a unique gift of inspiring others to leverage their strengths to better themselves and their communities. He shares a ray of light when he enters the room and others are so easily drawn to his many talents, charming charisma, and motivational ambitions. Not only does Andrew strive to help others do their best, but he also gives extreme thought and care into the quality within all his own endeavors and projects. Although our journeys are now on separate paths, I am still frequently inspired by him and reminded of the many lessons he shared with me."

Kimberly Cawkwell

Former Colleague

Jacobs Institute for Innovation in Education

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