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DESCRIPTION: The E2E Incubator™(E2E = education to employment) is a space where every student can discover their place in the world. It’s a collaboration between the Institute for Entrepreneurship and the San Diego Unified School District where educators, students, parents, community and industry professionals collaborate as creative partners to prototype work-based and STEM-based learning experiences combined with career development to inspire K-14 students and grow the E2E pipeline for San Diego’s innovation economy.

My task was to be the project manager, coordinating between the three major partners: IEE, SDUSD, and the San Diego Workforce Partnership. Additionally, I led the efforts to solidify industry partnerships, becoming the main point of contact for Booz Allen Hamilton (main partner) as well as the San Diego County Water Authority and ConvergeOne. I was also tasked with creating the graphics and marketing materials, including the logo, two-pager proposal, and website.


MY ROLE(S): Project manager, marketing director, community engagement/relations specialist, branding and graphic designer

OUTCOMES: We have entered into formal agreements with SDUSD and Booz Allen Hamilton and are launched the E2E Incubator in Spring 2018 at Kearny High School, with plans to replicate throughout the district and county. Press coverage here

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