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Word on the street...

" Andrew transforms lives, communities, and organizations. From my vantage point, he does this through acts of service and compassion. His selfless nature, combined with a keen skill to strategize and inspire, makes Andrew one of the greatest forces for good in San Diego.


When I first met Andrew years ago, he was leading development sessions for Teach For America corps members. I remember feeling impressed by his innate ability to connect with individuals, while cultivating a sense of trust and belonging with them. Throughout sessions, Andrew leveraged the strength of his relationships to more effectively support corps member growth, and he often did this by linking learning to various facets of cultural identity. During this first encounter, it was clear Andrew had a vision for what was possible and was working efficiently as both mentor and guide to attain that vision.


More recently, Andrew’s name kept popping up in conversation. A coworker excitedly mentioned, “Andrew is the best! He gave me all sorts of counsel about possible next steps in my life.” While another friend inquired, “Have you met Andrew Simmerman? He’s one of the kindest guys I know!” These direct quotes from others carry a central theme of who I know Andrew to be: he is undoubtedly one of those guys you can rely on for anything. I’ve experienced this in my own life, where Andrew has graciously taken time to converse with me as a thought partner. Every time this happens, I’m left with a feeling of profound gratitude for having the opportunity to learn from a truly remarkable man.


Wherever Andrew goes and whatever he endeavors to do, he will continue to transform those around him. I have no doubt he will be an incredible asset to any person or organization fortunate enough to have him on their team."


Steven Askar

TFA Alumnus

San Diego Early Childhood Educator of the Year

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