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Word on the street...

"Andrew is the personification of my vision for true leadership."
Tony Young
Former City Council President
City of San Diego
"He wants to be an active part of the solutions. He wants to make San Diego better. And I'm certain he will..."
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Mark Cafferty
San Diego Regional EDC
"I'm thankful for his contributions as part of the TOMS family..."
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Blake Mycoskie
Founder and Chief Shoe Giver
TOMS Shoes
"Andrew is one of our most dedicated and determined young professionals..."
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Fmr Councilmember Barbara Bry
District 1
City of San Diego
"He brings out the best in everyone to ensure we all walk out of a room smarter than when we entered it..."
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Danny Melgoza
Chief Strategy Officer
National Association of Counties
"Andrew is one of the most intuitive young professionals who I have ever met..."
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Rafael Castellanos

Chairman and Commissioner

Port of San Diego

He walks the walk and talks the talk..."
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Carlos Cortez Turner, PhD
San Diego Community College District
"Andrew Simmerman possesses an awareness that’s too often lacking in education circles..."
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Mario Koran
The Guardian
"He speaks from the heart and has the utmost respect for the diverse experiences of the community members..."
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Jose Cruz, Ed.M.
Former CEO
Barrio Logan College Institute
" Consistent, approachable, culturally aware and open to learning and appreciating other cultures..."
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Philip Liburd
Former Executive Board Member
NAACP San Diego Branch
" He's incredibly personal, engaging, fun, witty, well organized and effective..."
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Jack McGrory
Former City Manager
City of San Diego
"His talents and creativity always surface the key messages of the projects and lead to successful outcomes..."
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Ed Hidalgo
Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab
"Andrew has been instrumental in leading our team through a year of transitions and helping us to claim our identity as an institute...."
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Dr. Heather Lattimer
Dean of the School of Education
San Jose State University
"Andrew Simmerman is the MacGyver of university and community level outreach and program development..."
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Carl Luna, PhD
Director and Professor
Institute for Civil Civic Engagement
"He is a connector, and has the uncanny ability to develop meaningful relationships with any and all stakeholders..."
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Benjamin Alisuag
Director of Instruction & Programs
"Over the years, I've known Andrew to be extremely authentic and optimistic..."
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Sean Karafin
Vice President of Policy & Economic Research
SD Regional Chamber of Commerce
"Andrew works in fields where he can add to the growth and development of others...."
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Garrett Bantom
Program Manager and DEI Expert
"I appreciate Andrew's sincere commitment and passion to making a positive impact..."
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Cristina Alfaro, PhD
Chair of Dual Language and English Learner Department
San Diego State University
"As a direct result of his perseverance, Andrew built a strong foundation for our organization that we still rely on today..."
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Lauren Ostrowski
Chief of Staff
Teach For America San Diego
"In layman’s terms; the guy is a rock star!..."
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Craig Beswick
Vice President
"Andrew stands out as a connector of people and ideas..."
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Dwayne Crenshaw
Chief Executive Officer
RISE San Diego
"He brings such a refreshing outlook to nonprofit and community work..."
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Nate Howard
Founder and CEO
Movement BE
"His dedication to this work reminds me of why I started doing it in the first place!.."
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Natalie Attar
Head of Leader and Team Exp
"I often refer to him as 'Drew the Glue' because of his ability to rally others around the greater good..."
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Lou Barrios
Elected School Board Trustee
South Bay Union School District
"His selfless nature, combined with a keen skill to strategize and inspire, makes Andrew one of the greatest forces for good in San Diego..."
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Steven Askar
TFA Alumnus
Early Childhood Educator of the Year
"Andrew’s talent and dedication have positioned him to have a meaningful impact on our community..."
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Mary Taylor
Board Member
Elementary Institute of Science
"His creativity, patience, and overall understanding of what it takes to get the job done is purely satisfying!..."
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Mathew Gordon
President and CEO
Blue Heart Foundation
"His passion for the success of both the organization he serves and the people of our community is unparalleled..."
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Risa Baron
Principal Public Affairs Rep.
San Diego County Water Authority
"We need the Andrew Simmerman’ s of the world in every office out there!..."
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Darnisha Hunter
Community Representative
Office of Mayor Kevin Faulconer
City of San Diego
"Andrew is a great colleague who can take on challenges that would waiver even the most seasoned professional."
Edward Abeyta, PhD
Assistant Dean for Community Engagement
UCSD Extension
"His attitude was infectious to his co-workers...he could always be relied on to help problem solve and calm those around him..."
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Kelly Beach
Teacher Extraordinaire
Gabriella Charter School
"Andrew is a weaver of movements and people in a way that raises critical consciousness and done with a sense of grace and humility."
Chris Nayve
Associate Vice President
Karen and Tom Mulvaney Center
University of San Diego
"Andrew's demeanor lends itself to raw conversations about real problems as he genuinely seeks to find solutions..."
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Allison Ohle
Former Executive Director
KIPP San Diego
"Andrew's positivity and his ability to develop deep, trusting relationships is truly unparalleled..."
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Katie Wright
Director of M.Ed in Educational Leadership
High Tech High GSE
"Anyone who meets Andrew can immediately sense that he is someone special..."
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David Trautman
Leadership and Professional Learning Lead
Institute for Entrepreneurship in Education, Univ. of San Diego
"His vulnerability inspires others to be introspective and share who they are as well..."
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Katie Martin, PhD
Head of Partnerships
"Andrew has such a unique gift of inspiring others to leverage their strengths to better themselves and their communities..."
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Kimberly Cawkwell
Former Colleague
Jacobs Institute for Innovation in Education
"Andrew understands that destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice. Not something to wish for, but to attain."
Alexis Dixon
Mediation Solutions International
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